About Us
Welcome to Sanvordem Village Panchayat website!
Sanvordem Village panchayat is situated in Sattari Taluka in the North Goa District of Goa State. The Village Panchayat Sanvordem was constituted in 1971 and situated 5.2 km away from the taluka’s headquarters of Sattari. The total geographical area of the village Panchayat is 8157.52 hectares consisting of agriculture, plantation, and forest area. Agriculture activities are the primary sources of livelihood for the people. As per the 2011 census, it has a population of 3283 (Males, 1651 and Females, 1633). Electorally, it has been divided into seven wards. The last election for the Village Panchayat was held in June 2017. Based on the population and number of wards, this Village Panchayat is categorized as a “C” class. This Village Panchayat consists of 7 revenue villages with around 750 households.
Office Timings – 10.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M and 2.00 P.M to 5.30 P.M (1.00 P.M to 2.00 P.M, Lunch Break) closed on Sunday and 2nd Saturdays. Computerized copies of Birth/Death certificates issued on the spot (Subject to availability of V.P. Secretary)….

Messsage from the Sarpanch, V.P. Sanvordem
“The Village Panchayat Sanvordem is launching this Panchayat website for the benefit of our people. It will provide information on all services delivered to the public by the Panchayat and also other data of the Panchayat. Initially, the website covers a few topics and will be updated from time to time as per the requirement. We need the valuable cooperation of our people to strengthen our panchayat in means of infrastructure development, website update, and others. I hope this website will benefit our people”.
Smt. Ujwala S.Gaonkar
Sarpanch, V.P. Sanvordem

Message from the Secretary, V.P. Sanvordem
“The ‘Digital India’ programme is viewed as a ‘game changer’ from the perspective of delivery of pro-citizen good governance forward. Through this small online based initiative via website we hope to make services and other information of V.P Sanvordem available online to our villagers as we are taking a step closer towards digital world”.
Mr. Ramchandra K. Desai
Secretary, V.P. Sanvordem